Phi Nu Omega Chapter
Serving Alexandria, Virginia since 2000

About Us
​Since its chartering over two decades ago, Phi Nu Omega has continuously and tirelessly provided service to the residents of Alexandria, Virginia.
Phi Nu Omega History
Chartered on January 29, 2000, the anniversary of the incorporation of the great sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Phi Nu Omega greeted the suburbs of Washington, D.C. armed with a new energy and vision. Twenty-six charter members worked for two and one-half years to meet the demands of the community and Alpha Kappa Alpha for chapter approval by the Board of Directors (Directorate) in November 1999. The ceremony, conducted by Mrs. Clara M. Hines, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, was held in the chapel of the historic Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, and witnessed by many Sorority members from across the nation. Of special note, was the presence of Dr. Mary Shy Scott, the 23rd International President, and the following members: Wilma Holmes Tootle, International Regional Director; Anne Mitchem-Davis, Chairman of the International Archives Committee, and Past Executive Director and Past International Secretary; and Lula Lang-Jeter Past International Treasurer.